10 Top Tips over hoe je je volgende lezing kunt laten rocken!
- Audience identification
- Identifying your purpose
- How to structure your talk for maximum impact
- How to make data sexy
- How to deal with nerves

“Buffi is the best presentation coach in the Netherlands. Buffi helped me rock my TED talk, and I have recommended her so many times for my international network.”

Janneke Niessen
Co-founder Improve Digital/ EY Entrepreneur of the Year/ Unicef Ambassador
I’ve been helping people shape and share their stories as a Personal English Coach and a Senior TedXAmsterdamWomen Speaker Coach for over 20 years, and it’s something I love doing!
I’ve got 10 top tips to help you prepare with ease and OWN that stage when it’s your turn to shine!
Remember, not sharing your story means that you are denying the world the opportunity to learn and be inspired by you. Don’t be shy. Share! The first step to becoming a great speaker happens when you sign up right here!