5 (free) ways to activate your English RIGHT NOW!

How is your Monday going?
I hope your week will be full of magic and wonder.
And, of course, good English!

So many people want to improve their English but don’t have a lot of time. And they don’t know where (or how!) to start. I get that. So…here are 5 ways to get your English active, right now, and they are all free!

1. Take my English Grammar Quiz  and let me know how well you did!
2. Got 60 seconds? Try these fun lessons from the BBC!
3. How good is your Business English? Find out hier!
4. Want to join a private group of English learners and teachers? My Buffiland MBE- Much Better English is the place to be!
5. How are your English listening skills? Let’s find out! 

Oh, and this. I love this video because I adore the old-fashioned language, the humor, and the sheer brilliance of the comedy, on how the 50 States got their abbreviations. Check it out! 

And one final announcement before I let you go:

I’ve got 3 events up for this year.
Tickets are going fast, and space is limited.
Here is an overview of what’s on, because I would not want you to miss out!

March 14 & 15: English Confidence Boo(s)tcamp: For people who avoid situations where they need English. If you feel small or stupid in English and are embarrassed to use it, this is for you. There are only a few spaces left because I’m keeping this group small to give you extra support and feedback. All the info is hier, and use ‘bringafriend’ as the code for 10% off 2 tickets!

April 11 & 12: Taking Care of Business: This is for those who are already comfortable speaking English but want to learn new, professional communication strategies and get their English (and their career!) to the next level. All the info is hier, and the Early Bird Discount ends on Feb 10!

May 9: Perfect Presentations, Pitches and Moderation! This is a 1-day event where I share all my tips and tricks as a senior TedX Speaker Coach and the Personal English coach to top moderators and presenters. If you have a presentation, TED Talk or have to host an event or panel, this is the place to be! All the info is hier.

If you’d like multiple tickets or would like to attend more than 1 event I’m happy to offer you a discount! Just hit ‘reply’ and let me know!

I hope you activate your English today, no matter how you do it!
Life is too short to hide in the shadows.
Let’s make 2019 YOUR year to sparkle!

With love!


Let’s get to it!

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