Can you be you in English? (And a sneak peek of my new e-book!)

How are you? I hope this finds you well. Let this be the first day of a great week – Mondays rock!

First off, thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes from last week. I have to say, my first week of being 49 has been awesome!
And you overwhelmed me with your responses to my first e-book! We are putting the final design touches on it (it’s gorgeous!!) and I promise you it will be available by the end of September (2017). It will be 9.95 and it’s 85 pages of English activation! Here’s a sneak peek of one of the inspiring/funny quotes that starts each section….gotta listen to John Mayer, and not just his music!

Recently I had a talk with a very high-powered CEO. She is a master at what she does. A dealmaker. A game-changer. An award winner. But guess what? When she speaks English, it all falls apart. She doesn’t have the confidence to be herself in English, and that’s why she called me.

How do you feel when you speak English? Do you feel like you? Are you just as funny, confident, and sparkling as you are in your own language? I’ll tell you one thing – I’m not that funny in Dutch. Puns and jokes come very easily and quickly to me in English. In Dutch, I have to WORK HARD to be funny! I don’t always feel like I am truly me in Dutch (especially on live TV – oy!), so I know exactly what that’s like.

And I’ll tell you one more thing. It’s ok.
It’s perfectly normal and natural.
Most non-native speakers feel the same way.

But guess what? If it gets in the way, then we have to do something about it. If you feel your English is holding you back from making those deals, giving a sparkling presentation, or writing with confidence and ease, then that’s a huge missed opportunity. It could be getting in the way of your next career step or finding new clients!

Let’s work on it together. I truly want to help you. I live to make people feel like rock stars in English. That’s why I made my e-book, so I can slide some Buffilove into everyone’s phone or laptop! My e-book will help you gain confidence fast, as it deals exclusively with the most important stuff, the things that people seem to struggle with all the time.

You’re great just the way you are.
Don’t you ever change for anybody!
However, if your English feels like a burden or something that you’ve been avoiding, please let me help you take one small step to make it a bit better.

But don’t do it for me.
Do it for John Mayer.

Have a great week and I’ll see you next time!

With love!

XX Buffi

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