Do this ONE THING before your next talk. Tiny tweak, huge impact!


‘I’m so tired of hearing my own story over and over again.’
‘My weekly meetings are so boring!’
‘My pitches are not landing with my audience.’
‘I only have 6 minutes in my Zoom call – how can I make them count?’

These are all scenes from my inbox. So many people are struggling with how to speak with impact. In today’s world, people don’t have a lot of time. They are so used to swiping, shuffling, changing the channel if something doesn’t grab their attention in the first few seconds.

That’s why I want you to try this while you are preparing for your next talk, pitch, or meeting. Online or offline.

Don’t think about what YOU want to say.
Think about what your audience NEEDS to hear!

Communication is not about you.
It’s about your audience, and creating a dialogue with them.
Finding out what moves them, scares them, interests them, resonates with them. That’s what creates a true bridge between you and your audience.

Don’t put yourself first while preparing.
Put them first. Analyse some of the things I mentioned above, and then start preparing.

I’ve seen this one small tip totally transform how people communicate.
Try it, and let me know how it goes!

If you’d like to work with me personally on improving your presentation skills, I’d like to welcome you to join my Great in 8 program, which will transform how you communicate in English in 8 weeks. An exclusive, live (and safe!)  training day is part of the 8 weeks we’ll be working together, and you’ll be coached through new techniques in pitching and presenting so that you’ll always strike the right tone with your audience and leave them wanting more!

If you’d like to grab one of the last spots, you can do so here. We start on 14 September, and space is very limited, as I can only work with 10 people in this program. If you’d like to work in a small, motivated group and totally change the way you communicate in English with personal feedback, weekly coaching sessions full of motivation, inspiration, and personal assignments, click hier to get the scoop!

I hope this tiny tweak will help you rock your next talk!
You have a message worth sharing.


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