Sweet darling! If my newsletter looks slightly more wrinkled than last week’s, there’s a good reason! I turned 47 last Friday and I’m absolutely sure there’s more wrinkles now than there ever were before. I love my wrinkles – every single one tells a story! But as my sweet grandmother (who lived a full and fabulous life for 94 years) used to say about her wrinkles – “I prefer short stories!”
I don’t understand why people get upset about getting older. Why? Let’s consider the alternatives:
- You invent a time machine and go back in time.
- You die.
That’s about it. Neither of those options works for me, so I try to celebrate every day that I’ve got. I truly feel that every day is a new chance, an untouched beginning, a fresh opportunity to make a difference for someone else in the world.
Now, before I ride off on my glitter-covered unicorn, I’d like to share my birthday present with you, darling! I know that not everyone can afford things that they’d like to have. That’s why I’d like to offer a free Rock Your English! book to someone that you think could use a little boost in their day (while learning English in the most rock and roll way ever, of course!). If you can think of someone who could do with a little surprise in this week’s mail, please mail me (hit ‘reply’ and I’m yours!) and let me know who they are, why they should get one, and their mailing address. I’ll take care of the rest. Thank you for taking the time to write me and brighten up someone’s day. And thank you all for reading my newsletter. I’m learning about click rates and all that jazz, and wow, the responses are sky high! Every week I get mail from my newsletter readers – some just saying ‘hi’ and ‘thanks’, others sharing their day with me, and others asking questions about English. I love hearing from everyone, do keep it up! And please don’t be nervous about writing me in English! I promise you I won’t laugh when I read them (unless you make a joke. Then I’ll laugh. Really hard)! I will always write you back.
Have a super day, my dear.
Today will never come back again.
Make it count!
And tomorrow too.
Wit lof from your wrinkly teacher XOX
PS: Here is a funny list of one-liners about ageing. Try them at your next birthday party!