“I want to improve my English, I just don’t know where to start.”
“I’m always travelling, how can I learn on the go?”
“I am so tired of hearing myself speak, I am using the same phrases over and over again!”
“I would love to work on my English, but to be honest, I don’t have enough discipline.”
“I didn’t get that promotion because my English wasn’t good enough, but I have no idea what I need.”
“English lessons are boring and take too much time.”
“I hated English at school, there’s no way I’m going to take English classes now!”
“I need to use bigger and more words, but I don’t know how to learn them. Or remember them! What should I do?”
Does any of this sound familiar?
These are all scenes from my inbox.
I get it.
You’re busy, frustrated, and need to work on your English.
Wouldn’t it be great to feel confident about your English communication skills?
To feel prepared for meetings and negotiations in English, and not delegate anymore?
To take control of your communication and be the go-to person in your company for international business?
To use high-impact, high-energy language and feel natural and comfortable while using them?
To speak, pitch, and present with ease and impact?
To have English not be an issue for your anymore so that you can focus on other things at work?
To work with an experienced and dedicated personal coach who is 100% committed to helping you smash your goals?
Well…guess what?
Doors are now open for GREAT IN 8!
GREAT IN 8 is my 8-week English coaching program that totally changes your English game – it combines the best of my online learning program with my signature personal coaching.
In this program you will:
- Build a good foundation and understand the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ for grammar, eliminate your mistakes and discover how to ‘play’ with the grammar to your advantage in professional situations
- Work on making your English pronunciation more natural and accurate which will help you speak with confidence
- Learn the English dealmakers and dealbreakers in meetings and negotiations, so that you can always find the right tone to match your goals
- Create a Presentation Template to get the most out of your pitches and presentations, and discover the 3 pillars all English presentations are based on
- Get out of your comfort zone and create new English communication strategies by absorbing and activating high-impact and high-energy language (and why your first choice is often not the best choice)
- Learn to network like a native, and use formal and informal language to make an excellent first impression every time
- Sharpen up your English writing skills to be able to write and respond to mails with confidence and ease while still sounding like a total pro…
- Work with me in private on your own PCP – Personal Communication Project. This could be preparing for a network event, pitch, or meeting, sharpening up your CV, improving your website, and so much more!
And so much more! In this exclusive 8-week training course, which is only available to 10 people, I’ll be working with you intensely on all of the above, and more in a weekly coaching call.
This is how it works:
- You will follow my Business English Communication Course, which features a Deep Dive into a new Business English skill every week. You will watch the video, then do the worksheet and be ready to discuss it with me.
- We have a group coaching call every week, where I personally answer your questions, challenge you further, set new individual goals, and get you out of your communication comfort zone. You can choose from 2 different time slots per week.
- We will also have an exclusive live coaching day, where you will have the opportunity to activate what you are learning, give a tailor-made presentation, and get personal feedback on your speaking and writing skills. It’s a great way to network with the other Great members!
- I will also work with you privately on your PCP- your Personal Communication Project. This could be anything from improving your website, checking your emails or giving you weekly feedback on your pronunciation. Whatever you need to improve, I’ll make it happen!
- We will start with an extensive intake and end with a reflection round up to see how far you’ve come in meeting your goals and what the next step should be.
GREAT IN 8 is for you if:
- You want to be challenged
- You are motivated to learn and spend 1-2 hours a week on homework
- You are willing to invest in your development
- You are willing to kiss your comfort zone goodbye
GREAT IN 8 is not for you if:
- You are happy with your current level of English
- You think small and are satisfied with ‘average’
- You are ok with letting others do all the work
- You don’t see the value of investing in your career
Are you excited about GREAT in 8? Want to find out more? I’m happy to call you to discuss! Click hier to find out more and to grab your intake, and I’ll mail you to set up our call!
Remember, this is only available to 10 people. Are you one of them? If you’re ready to be GREAT in 8, let me know by clicking hier!