Spice Up Your Life (starting with your language)

Happy Second Day Of Easter, for those of you celebrating.
And for those of you who aren’t, happy Monday!

I love living in a country where Easter has 2 days. We always get the Monday off. I so enjoy Mondays, though! (If you hate Mondays, that usually means that you hate your job. Mondays are awesome!)

I’d like to help you spice up your life today. When was the last time you used a new idiom or expression in English? I so want you to add more color to your language, and if you’re always using the same old expressions, that’s not happening.

So let’s make it happen!

The next time someone asks if they present a new idea to you, instead of saying ‘OK’, how about ‘I’m all ears‘?

If you think someone has stolen something, you can ask if they got a ‘five-finger discount’.

Instead of starting again on a new project, how about ‘going back to square one‘?

And how about developing a new ‘game plan‘ the next time you go into a strategy meeting?

You know I’ll always go the extra mile for you when it comes to helping you feel more confident in English (and hey, in life too, while we’re at it). I know it’s hard to learn the ropes– you’ve gotta keep your eye on the ball at all times, or else you’ll be a laggard.

There’s so many expressions you can find online (check all the embedded links for lots of new dictionaries you can peruse) or get cracking on the 100+ in my latest book 100 Ways To Save Your Ass In English (divided into handy categories, like Marketing and Sales, Networking, Efficiency, etc).

I hope you get a chance to use these expressions today! Remember, you can always write me and I promise I will write you back!

Thanks for letting me lose my egg when it comes to increasing your vocabulary!

Now I’m off to find some more eggs outside!

Have a great Monday!

X buffi

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