It started when I was 7. Hasn’t stopped.

Hello darling!

We’re nearly there. The end of 2017.
As I look back on a year full of awesomeness (and challenges!), I remember being 7 years old and writing a list of things I wanted to do in the new year. I’ve made a list every year since.

When I was 7 the first thing I wrote was: Help people. That’s all I knew I wanted to do.

And I did! It eventually led to me walking my bullied neighbor to school every day to protect her from the nasty 4th graders. And volunteering at the local hospital when I was 12. Later it led to starting educational programs for Spanish- speaking refugees at my Spanish club in college. Then it led to working intensely with refugees here in the Netherlands. And giving people the feeling that they ROCK in English!

This past year has been chock full of blessings. I’ve done nearly 100 masterclasses and workshops and coached thousands of students and clients. Did The Voice for the Netherlands and Belgium (oops, sorry, Vlaanderen), worked as a Speaker Coach for TedXWomen, wrote an e-book, reprinted ‘100 Ways To Save Your Ass In English’, co-hosted the Women Of The Year Awards, did 2 masterclass series in Berlin, tweaked my online courses, and hosted several of my own Learning Journey events. Wow! (Oh, all of the media shizzle is now on my new Media Page!)

But there were challenges, too. Starting a new medicine for my chronic disease (I have no thyroid gland, and the medicine which keeps me alive was discontinued early this year) and having such a terrible reaction that I was fainting up to 9 times a day, not allowed to drive or even cross the street by myself. Happy to say that it’s taken nearly the whole year but my body is now adjusting well to the new medicine! Yeah for being able to cross the street again! And drive! And no more fainting! :))
Oh, and for something else totally fun and fabulous, I’m having surgery  on Thursday. It’s my second operation in 8 weeks, and I’ll be so happy when the new year means less time in the hospital!

I’ve also said goodbye to people and situations that don’t feel right anymore. It’s not always easy, but I’m learning (sometimes the hard way) that when I say ‘no’ to someone or something it really means that I’m saying ‘yes’ to myself. I promised myself I’d say ‘yes’ to me a lot more in 2018, and I’m looking forward to that!

How has your year been?
I hope it’s been a wonderful one!

Thank you for reading my newsletter every week. Many readers write me back every week, and it’s fantastic  to feel connected to each and every one of you. You are part of the reason 2017 was such a very special one for me.

I thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

Sending you and yours love and light, health and happiness for 2018 and way, way beyond. Enjoy the holly-daze! I’ll be popping into your inbox again in January!

With love,

PS: It’s not quite goodbye yet – on Dec 30 I’ll be on NPO2 at 20.30 on De Avond Van Taal show! See you there!

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