Take. That. Leap.


When I read this, I had to look twice.

I’ve been interviewed over 100 times in the Dutch media, and I’m often pleasantly surprised by the photo, the placement of the article, and the headlines used. When I saw this – WOW! #CoverGirlLifeGoals. This photo means a lot to me – it was taken just a couple of weeks ago by my best friend, in the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. That city fills every cell of my body with joy, and Daphne captured that magnificently, as she always does. (The first pic she took of me was in 1987, and she has never, ever missed the mark.)

I’ve been called ‘the coach to the stars’ for many years now, but I’ve never referred to myself that way. I guess my energy, enthusiasm, and track record make me a star? No idea. But I am very bright, haha!

Many people have told me that they admire my career. And they want the same. This really takes me back to the days when I left a very safe, well-paid job at the most prestigious language academy to follow my dreams.

‘Personal English coaching?! That doesn’t exist.’

But it did exist for me. In my head and in my heart.
I had to leave that job and honor that tiny voice that had been getting louder and louder as the years went by. I had to try to create something new, doing what I loved, in a fresh and exciting way that had never been seen before.
Fast forward.
It’s been 22 years since I left that job.
A lot has changed since then.

When people see this picture, and read this article about my career, they see what’s happening in chapter 22 of my entrepreneurial journey. And many compare their own journey to mine. They might be on chapter 3. Chapter 9. Chapter 14. Chapter 32. My chapter 1 looked very different from my chapter 21, that’s for sure. Everyone develops at their own pace, and I hope people have peace with that pace.

I’ve worked very, very hard to get here. I had to prove that my English coaching services had added value. That personal coaching was worth investing in.
I’m so proud of what I have achieved. (And just to be clear, I think stating facts about your career and owning your talent is not arrogant. I see success as truly inspiring, and I’m always so happy when I see other people sharing their success freely. For some reason, others view this as either threatening or arrogant. I see it otherwise.)

I think that articles like this prove what is possible when you follow that tiny voice in your heart.

So…am I a star? I don’t know.
Sometimes I get lonely, and it’s really hard. I miss the sense of energy and ‘everything is possible’ feeling that NY gives me.
I often feel very alone in this ‘doe maar normaal’ culture.
Darlings, this truly IS my normal. I know no other way. And I have zero desire to ever change that.

But when I see this picture of this happy, hardworking woman who created her own career (and some say an industry) that did not exist all those long/short years ago, I hope it will inspire others to do the same.

Do you have a voice in your heart that you can’t ignore any more?
Take. That. Leap.

Love, Buffi.

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