I was working with someone who was caught in The Trap.
(And not this kind of trap. Because that actually wouldn’t be so bad after all.)
No, she was caught in The Trap That All Of Us Get Caught In.
It’s really easy to get stuck in there.
Many people who are stuck in there don’t even realise it.
They just kind of hang out…in The Trap.
What is this mysterious, yet ever so popular Trap?
It looks like this:
“I can’t do it. So I don’t. And I’m not good at it. So I won’t even try. And that’s why I can’t do it. So I don’t. And I’m not good at it. So I won’t even try. Because I can’t do it. So I don’t. And I’m not good at it. So I won’t even try. And that’s why…..”
Rinse and repeat.
You suck at the things you suck at. I get that.
And you will continue to suck at them until you either:
1. Improve it
2. Delegate it
3. Let it go
If speaking English is something you suck at, you will stay a crappy speaker until you actually take steps to improve it. Or you let someone else do all the talking for you (good luck with that one; it’s kind of hard living 24/7 with a spokesmodel), or you just live the rest of your life without ever speaking a word of English (oh, while we’re at it, good luck with that one, too).
If you want to get better you have to take one tiny little step.
That’s all it takes. To start.
To continue, it takes more steps.
Some of them tiny, some of them bigger.
But just saying ‘I suck at English’ is not enough anymore.
Either stop your bitching or do something about it.
Here are some good ways to take an active step in the right direction RIGHT NOW.
1. Write me back. These newsletters go directly to my mailbox (info@rockyourenglish.com) and I promise I will respond to you. Might take a day or two, but I will.
2. Try some of these exercises and find out right away how good your basic grammar knowledge is. Might actually be better than you think!
3. Follow a free course hier:
4. Improve your Business English (in a fabulous way!) hier:
5. Play an English learning game hier.
That’s all for now.
Get out of that Trap.
It’s pretty crowded in there.
And you deserve better!
(And so do your listeners who are missing out if you’re not speaking to them!)
Awaiting your mail with bated breath,
X buffi X