RYE! @ HOME English Lessons FAQ TOP 12
1. What is Rock Your English! @ Home? It’s the Rock and Roll way to improve your English! through online English Lessons Our innovative Complete Course features 15 English Lessons you can download (each lesson is 12-18 minutes long and features some of Holland’s hottest artists), and 1 Rock Your English! book. I’m in a really good mood, so I will also throw in our Bonus English Lessons, which features Lucky Fonz III on songwriting, and me tackling pesky pronunciation problems.
2. How much does it cost? The Complete English Lessons Course is 54.99 Euros, not including tax and shipping. You can order the videos and the book separately. The book is 24.99 Euros, including tax and shipping, and the videos are 39,95, not including tax. For shipping rates, click here.
3. How do I get the course? You get all 15 English Lessons and the bonus as soon as you have completed your order. For pre-orders the videos will be available from June 8, 2012. The book will be sent to you within 3 business days, starting June 8. 2012. To order, click here.
4. How often can I watch the English Lessons? You can watch the lessons 10 times each, and will be notified how many views you have left. We have designed this feature to encourage you to move along on your language adventure!
5. What if I have the book already and only want to order the English Lessons? Thanks for buying the book! You can order all 15 online lessons, plus the bonus lesson for 39,95 Euros, excluding tax. To order, click here.
6. Which artists and grammar are involved? We’re lucky that amazing artists have donated their valuable time – each lesson features one of the following artists who talk grammar, lyrics, and pop quizzes with me, and you’ll see them (and grammar!) in a new and exciting way…Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation) on the Present Continuous and the Present Perfect Continuous, Lucky Fonz III on Songwriting and Pronunciation, Wouter Hamel on Conditionals Type 3, Dudettes on the Present Simple, Shirma Rouse on Going to for the Future , Bart vd Weide (Racoon) on the Past Perfect, Anneke van Giersbergen on the Will for the Future, Tim Knol on the Past Continuous, Bas Kennis (Blof) on Conditionals Type 1 , Stevie Ann on Conditionals Type 2, Skiggy Rapz on the Past Simple, mr a balladeer on the Past Perfect Continuous, and Marco Roelofs (Heideroosjes) on Creative writing and Vocabulary development. Have a look at the Video Page to find out more about each lesson.
7. How are the English Lessons structured? Each lesson starts off with me introducing the featured grammar for that particular lesson. With animation. And funky timelines. And sometimes a rocket ship. After I explain it, then we have an interview with a special artist, where this grammar form gets analyzed by using his or her own lyrics. Then we laugh a lot and do a pop quiz about international artists who have also used this form in their songs. Test your musical knowledge as well as your grammar! After that, more lesson shizzle from moi, and at the end, the answers to the pop quiz and the final round up of what we’ve learned. And more laughter.
8. Can I also use this at school? Absolutely! It’s a full year course on its own, or can be used to supplement the method your school is currently using. You can also use it on a boat, in an elevator, or on an airplane. Or in a car (if you’re not driving). And if your school orders enough copies, I will come and do a Rock Your English! workshop at your school for free! (Well, for one cup of coffee. Maybe two.) Make sure your teachers know I have extra exercises and fun classroom activities to help them Rock Your English! even more!
9. How do I use it? Well, the online English Lessons and the book are made for each other. They love living together but also can work well on their own. You can start with the English Lessons, then do the exercises in your book, check your answers online then watch the lesson again to follow up! Or, the other way around. It’s totally flexible and you can create the best way that works for you. Don’t forget that each book comes with a CD with cover songs of all the songs featured at the start of every chapter in the book!
10. Is everything completely in English? The book is 95% in English, but there are a few sentences scattered throughout the book where Dutch explanations are given. There are also Dutch translations of the irregular verbs and charts at the back of the book. The CD and the online English Lessons are completely in English.
11. How is this course different from what’s already out there? Oh, I don’t know where to begin. Ever talked to Sharon den Adel about who’s hotter- David Bowie vs Mick Jagger? And then talked grammar related to this? Or Bart from Racoon about Dolly Parton? Then activating the past tenses? Or hearing Anneke van Giersbergen sing a special song for us that she will never, ever sing again (You’ll see why…) which somehow has something to do with the future tenses? These are just a few examples of my method –lyrics and laughter as the basis for learning grammar in a clear, fun, and funky way! If that’s already out there, then I’ll eat my hat.
12. Why did you create this course? Because I am a music and grammar freak. I have over 25 years of teaching experience, and I wanted to show that grammar can be fun, sexy and you can really learn while laughing. I wanted you to see your musical heroes in a new, and educational way. The way I know and love them. My method is award-winning and has been proven effective at schools, universities and by language researchers in several countries. My goal is to create a language revolution, one educational fiesta at a time. Trust me. It works. But don’t watch the course while drinking a hot beverage because you will laugh and spit up all over your keyboard. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 😉