10 words you keep getting wrong…

10 words you keep mixing up (and one of them I take really personally) 

I’ve seen so many mistakes popping up in emails that I wanted to address them right here, right now. These are the 10 that get confused the most – print this out and hang it up in your office, so that your colleague (oh, no – not YOU, YOUR COLLEAGUE!) can learn how to stop making these silly mistakes!

1. TOO = also (OMG! I love chocolate too!) or used for comparison (That car is too expensive. I don’t think you should buy it.)

2. TO = direction (I’m going to school now) or used with a verb (I want to improve my English, that’s why I signed up for these damn newsletters in the first place)

3. TWO = when you have 5 pieces of chocolate and I eat 3 of them. This is what is left. This, and a sad face. (Yours. Not mine.)

4. ITS = possession. (The company changed its hiring policy.)

5. IT’S = it is (It’s raining outside!) or ‘it has’ (It’s been raining all day, I guess we should cancel our naked frisbee competition this afternoon.)

6. LOOSE = not tight (His pants were too loose, so they fell down and everyone laughed.)

7. LOSE = to not have something (He wanted to lose weight because he wanted his pants to fall down in public.)

8. DESERT = a big place full of….sand (Notice that they both have one S.)

9. DESSERT = Something Sweet (See what I did there?)

10. BUFFY = that’s not my name. It’s Buffi. But I still love you anyway! (I was named after BUFFY, actually, which is pretty cool indeed.)

Ok, that’s all for now.

Go out there and do what you love, with love, for people you love. May your week be full of great ideas, inspiration, passion, and super-duper English vocabulary!

You got this!

XX Buffi

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