I hope your week is off to a smashing start!
I’m still enjoying the afterglow from an incredible week.
As you know, I never withhold the gold, so I’m excited to share 3 wonderful things that brought me joy last week.
1. I hosted the (online) Define Your Happiness event, where people tuned in from 13 countries. It was such an honor to do, and I was deeply inspired by our keynote speakers Mo Gawdat and Bruce Daisley. Mo is the former head of Google (X) and Bruce is the former VP of Twitter. They shared their insights on how to find more joy at work during these challenging times. Mo told us that studies have shown that 60 to 70% of our thoughts are negative. I was shocked. 6 to 7 out of every 10 thoughts you think are about being dissatisfied, complaining, criticising, unhappy, embarrassed, etc. I don’t experience this myself to that degree so I sometimes forget that this is the default mode for many people. He gave us concrete tips for how to get out of it. 1. Look around you and see where you are. Are you in a refugee camp? Do you have shelter above your head? Do you have food or know where your next meal is coming from? If you can answer YES to these questions, you’re already off to a good start. 2. If you can, try to reach out to others to check in on them and see how they are doing. Knowing that someone is there for you, and that you can be there for someone else, can make all the difference. Try it and let me know how it went! I also joined in during the gamification part of the program, let by Nancy Beers. It was so much fun do so, as you can see here. Thank you Sofie and Marco for asking me to host, I truly enjoyed it and was moved and inspired by your talk, your hard work, and your inspiring lineup! Click here to see me dancing shamelessly (is there any other way?) during the event!
2. I have been working intensely with a British CEO. This is a wonderful experience, as so much of my coaching (feedback and support on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) is a non-issue. We’ve been working specifically on presentation skills, and last week he was able to present for the first time after we started coaching. He sent me this back, from his boss, who sat in. I am so proud of his hard word and excited for the next few weeks together!
I also wanted to compliment you on a very engaging and interactive session. We have struggled with the services message and also the engagement with services to support sales in the past. Your background lends to a very customer focused perspective on what your customer challenges are and how services can help manage reactive and proactive issues in the customer environment. Your approach to asking questions worked well and calling out people to contribute only fostered more engagement. They have been quiet so seeing them engaged in the content was positive.
3. Last week we had the kickoff of something I’m thrilled to be a part of – SKYBOX SESSIONS. It’s the newest and coolest masterclass academy in the sky. Literally next level coaching. People can join me (only 4 spots available) for my Powerful Presentation workshop on March 25, or they can book in a private 3-hour strategy session. You can see my fellow coaches here, and then you’ll see why I’m absolutely delighted to be part of this team. I’ll be blocking 1-2 days a month to work exclusively for SKYBOX, and I invite you to join one of my sessions-you are more than welcome!
So, what is your good news of the week?
What brought you joy?
Don’t withhold the gold, share it and spread that joy with the world!
See you next week,