All you have to do is remember NEW POST. (It’s not what you think….)


This is NOT just a new post. NEW POST is my way of showing you how to triple your vocabulary! It’s easy and fun, and all you have to remember is NEW POST! I do this with all my clients and it makes such a difference!

This is how we roll:

NEW – this is the NEW WORD (that you have heard or seen somewhere)
P – is for the PARTNER of that word (aka a synonym, try or their free app for a great list! #nospon)
O – is for the OPPOSITE of that word (aka an antonym)
S – is for putting these 3 words into SENTENCES of your own, in a SYSTEM with STRUCTURE! (Yesssss it’s a triple S! Find a designated place, either on your phone, in a notebook, or on your computer, where you write and organize these words. Find a system that works for you. Stick to it – SUSTAINABLE is also a part of this S!)
T – is for TODAY and TOMORROW (and for the rest of your life, don’t stop!)

Here’s a 29-second video I made to see it all in action! Pass the popcorn!
Next time you want to get active in English, don’t forget – NEW POST!
I hope this helps you triple your vocabulary like it’s helped so many of my clients!

Enjoy and see you next week!

XX Buffi

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