Find it (it’s there) and share it

I’d like to start off with a quick question – where’s your light? What drives you? What’s the message you want to share with the world? And why aren’t you sharing it?

I spent many hours yesterday mourning someone I love so much. He’s gone but his legacy will survive forever, especially now that he has his own constellation. I spent the day at the Bowie exhibition in Groningen. I was there in London too, but it was sold out, so I was thrilled that I could go as the ending of my fabulous Eurosonic/Noorderslag weekend in Grunn.

I could tell you a lot about how he influenced me when I was growing up. How his lyrics and voice got me through hard times. How I ended up studying in Cambridge because of him (long story). How I met him in a desolate, deserted fishing village in the north of Portugal. How he was a beacon of light to me, and all the others who didn’t fit in. It was ok to be different, and boy, was I  different. So much of my adolescent sanity is due to him.

I walked through the incredible retrospective, spending hours examining every scrap of lyric, every thread of clothing, every video image, every brushstroke.. I treasured each one with tear-filled eyes and an overwhelmed heart.

It made me think a lot about risk – about putting it all out there – following your heart even if no one will understand or appreciate it. I was surprised when he was interviewed late in his career and he was asked if he ever got nervous before a show. He said ‘always’. I was shocked as I thought this all came so naturally to him. Apparently it didn’t. But he was fearless and did it anyway. His drive to follow his passion far outweighed his fear of failure or mockery.

And that’s one of the many reasons I will love him forever.

What is your message that you want to share with the world?
What’s keeping you back? Is your fear outweighing your passion?

Your message is worth sharing. No matter what it is. We are missing out if you only keep it to yourself. So find that light and share it!

I’m standing here, wearing sunglasses, ready to be blinded!

Wit lof xx buffi

PS: You can still download my free Grammar Masterclass here
PPS: On Saturday, 13 Feb, I’m doing another Presenting Comfortably Masterclass. Do join me if you’d like to learn more about sharing and shaping your story.

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