Buffi Duberman Communication Nation Webinar

I’m doing a free webinar on Jan 31 – join me and flip the script!

Scenes from my inbox:

‘Buffi, I keep translating everything into English but I don’t think it really sounds great. Can you help?’
‘I really want to make a dazzling pitch to get investors on board – but how do I do that in English?’
‘I was asked to write a professional recommendation – I said no because I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know how to do that well. And if I can’t do it well, I won’t do it at all.’ 

Sound familiar?

You’re great at what you do. In your own language. With flair, ease, and confidence. No issues there.
But….then you have to do that, just as confidently, but now….in English.
How’s that going for you? Maybe you feel like this picture? 
I get it. 

If you are talking to clients and you have doubts about how you come across….looking for the right word…trying to find the correct grammar form….wondering if you pronounced that word right….

….all of this takes away from your message. From you getting your work done.
And your clients might interpret this doubt and hesitation as you doubting your services or your products. Which is of course, not the case.

So let’s flip the script. 

For free! 

On January 31, I’m doing a FREE webinar on Crafting Communication Clarity! It’s an interactive hour of power where I share my bestselling tips on how to go from just ‘functional’ to truly PROFESSIONAL and CONFIDENT in English! We will cover grammar, vocabulary, communicating for maximum impact, and so much more.

Over 10,000 clients have seen true results from my tips and tricks. 
If I can do it for them, I can do it for you too!

This webinar will NOT be recorded, and space is limited, so make sure you sign up!  
It’s on January 31 at 11.30, 15.30, and 19.30 Amsterdam time. 


I’ll see you soon at my Crafting Communication Clarity webinar – and don’t forget, it’s totally FREE. 
Grab your chance, as this is something you won’t want to miss! 

Love, Buffi 

PS: If your colleagues or friends need an English confidence boost, feel free to send them this mail, they will thank you later! 

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