My magic formula

It works every time!

You’ve probably done it.

And maybe you’ve done it without realizing it.

Done what?

Disagreeing with someone in a way that could be perceived as being too ‘blunt‘ or ‘aggressive‘.

You know – saying things like ‘No way.‘ ‘No.’ ‘That won’t work,’ etc. All of these work beautifully in Dutch and in Dutch culture. However, in English, depending on the situation, they might be perceived as being too harsh. 

So let’s smooth out the edges a bit.

How about trying one of these phrases in your next international meeting or negotiation session

“Thanks so much for that suggestion, but I’m afraid that’s not going to work for us right now.”

“I understand your position, however we are unable to commit at this time.”

“We appreciate your offer, but unfortunately, that’s beyond our budget this year.”

Do you see what all of these have in common? 

There’s a secret formula.

(Which will not be secret any longer because I’m going to REVEAL IT TO YOU RIGHT NOW.)

1. Start out with something nice – “Thanks so much”, “I understand your position”, “We appreciate your offer”, etc

2. Use softening language – “I’m afraid…” “However…”, “Unfortunately”,etc.

3. Disagree

4. Feel free to end with a temporary time indicator if needed- “right now”, “at this time”, “this year”, etc.

Let me know how your next meeting goes! I think you’re going to rock! Don’t you agree? 🙂



PS: Next Sunday evening, 22 September, I will have a HUGE announcement about my new book with a special surprise….please join me on Instagram for the great reveal! I’ll be posting all the details in my stories this week. 

Cick here to join me on Instagram!

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