I hope your week is off to a great start! Mine is full of good stuff – writing with Bart for the new Racoon album (which will take your breath away), speaking at a Linda. event, a photo shoot for a major magazine, recording some fun video lessons (you’ll find out about those in January) and coaching clients, students, and my Syrian friends. Life is good.
Last weekend was an emotional one for me. I was honored to be invited to the 15-year reunion of K-Otic. Do you remember them? I sure do. They were the first band I ever coached.
I was 8 months pregnant and teaching my last few lessons at Regina Coeli (de nonnetjes van Vught). One of my students in that period, Tim van Rongen, told me at the end of our week that he was pitching an idea to John de Mol for a new TV show, and if it got accepted, he wanted me on his team as the teacher. That’s about all he told me. I said ‘Sure, sounds great. Just call me when you know more, and in the meantime I’ll deliver a baby.’
My baby was a few weeks old when I got the call. I was asked if I wanted to work in the Big Brother house coaching a new band – helping them with lyrics, pronunciation, general conversation and more. I could design my own program, and anything was possible and welcome. Oh, and everything would be filmed. Everything.
I jumped at the chance. To make a long story short, a few weeks later I was pumping breast milk in a small room in the Big Brother house while Lionel Richie was in the room next door working with the band. I followed my heart and used all my creativity to create games and discussion activities for these fabulous kids. I held them when they missed their families (some were barely 16) and laughed with them when we all got a little stir crazy. It was a magical time (even when I forgot to turn off my mic when I had to pee) and one I’ll cherish forever. It also showed me where my true passion was.
I’ve always kept in touch with all the members of K-Otic since the show ended. One of them was my student at the Rockacademie, another one used my daughter’s voice for one of her singles, and I’ve loved watching them all grow and develop as artists, musicians, singers, adults and (for some of them) parents. WOW. Amazing how much can change in 15 years.
I went to the show with the old Endemol crew and it was a reunion to remember. We sang along with every word and many emotional moments came up and surprised us – we realised how fast the time has gone by, and how lucky we were to have been at the forefront of something so incredible.
Shortly after working with the band I left my job. I didn’t have a new job to go to, but I decided I had to follow my dream and create one. I worked my ass off to prove my value and now I’m living beyond my dream. Every day I have to pinch myself that I get to do what I love – what I think I was born to do- with some of the most passionate, talented people on the planet.
I took a huge jump without a net. It wasn’t always easy but my god, all the stress, all the sleepless nights, all the worries were so worth it. Creating a new industry is hard. Really hard. But I had to listen to my heart. I still do, every day. My heart always has something to say.
What is your heart telling you to do?
It’s saying it for a reason, whatever it is.
Do you dare to follow your heart and jump?
You’ll never know how far you can fly until you do.
With love from the oldest teenager at the Heineken Music Hall,
PS: Oh I totally forgot to say that you can still order my book with FREE SHIPPING and GIFT WRAP throughout December by clicking here.