ROCK YOUR ENGLISH! comes in second in the Fontys Education Award 2010!

ROCK YOUR ENGLISH! comes in second in the Fontys Education Award 2010!

I am very pleased to announce that Rock Your English! has won an award. The Fontys college organization has found my book to be the second best educational development for the 2010 academic year! The first prize winner built a rehabilitation center and her prize was very well deserved -congratulations, Sophie! The jury report for Rock Your English says:

The book’s revolutionary approach and its pioneering method creates a bridge between educaton and youth culture. This, combined with Buffi’s passion and enthusiasm for her work and her students, is a remarkable achievement and a product of great value for the Fontys organization of colleges.’ 

I am using part of my prize money to buy my dear colleagues at the Rockacademie a new espresso machine. They deserve caffeine rich and ever-flowing.


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