Have I told you lately?
OMG and by that I don’t mean Oh Marvelous Grammar (but I kind of do)- you really look great today! When you got up earlier, to go get that coffee, everyone couldn’t help but stare because, my darling, you are swagtastic!
I was honored to be selected as a jury member for a national lyrics translation contest. You’ll be hearing about it in the media soon! I spent many hours going through all the entries; it was hard work but so much fun to do!
Utrecht was the place to be for my Rock Your English! workshop at the Hogeschool van de Kunsten. I helped vocalists and songwriters get more out of their pronunciation and lyrics, and helped business students get more professional in their use of English. My students were amazing, but god, were they skinny
I proudly present my latest video – Stop! Grammar Time! featuring Tim, the front man of the Handsome Poets. I explain my theory of grammatical symmetry in songwriting.
I bet you or someone you love needs a bit of pimping when it comes to English. That might be why you signed up for this newsletter. If so, please grab a friend and come to my workshop on 2 March in Amsterdam! We will work on 3 different modules – Grammar, Pronunciation, and Writing. You can sign up for one, two, or do all 3 with a discount. A module is 19.99 but if you bring a friend (use BRINGAFRIEND as the discount code) you can do 2 workshops for 34,99!
Space is limited and hope to see you there! All the info is here
‘Queen B, help me out! When do I use ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘a little’ and ‘a few’?’ – from the Book of Face. 😉
Oh, that’s an easy one. First of all, think of what you are describing. Can you count it? Does it end in an S in the plural form (like flowers, tables, etc)? Then it’s MANY. If you can’t count it, or it’s unusual to think of it in individual units (energy, advice, violence, etc) then it’s MUCH. The opposite of MANY is a FEW, the opposite of MUCH is a LITTLE.
But wait…ready for my secret?
If you are in doubt- if you have to use one of these words in a live interview with Oprah and you’re freaking out because you can’t remember what Queen B told you, then just say A LOT OF or NOT A LOT OF. That works for everything! I promise!
Hoping that someone awesome sends you a box full of treasures…but not like this…in my head…
wit lof from buffi x