“Take a piece of ….what?!” But he’s right. So I will.

He looked into my eyes with concern.
“Take a piece of rest,” he said.
“Sorry? A piece of what?” I asked, puzzled.
“A piece of rest.”
“Rest comes in different sizes. I think you never take a big piece. I think you always take the smallest piece of rest. Or not a piece at all.”

My dear friend is Syrian. I think in his language rest is described in this way. But it’s not in English.
Until now.
I love the idea of taking different sizes when it comes to rest.
And yes, he is absolutely right.
I normally take the tiniest sliver of rest. Or none at all.

But this is about to change.
I am going to take a HUGE slice of rest in the next 2 weeks. Like an XXL slice.
And then I might go back for seconds.

I’m not going to touch my laptop.
I’m going to stay in my pyjamas for a whole day.
I’m going to watch a movie every single day.
I’m going to not wear makeup, a bra, or shoes unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY (this is a relative concept).
My tuchus is going to become reacquainted with my couch.

I love that my friend knows me so well so fast,
I love that he told me what to do and I listened.
I love that you read my newsletters every week.
I love that this is the last one of the year.

I’m so grateful to you for being a part of my life and making 2015 so very special for me. It was a year full of magic in so many ways.

Sending you and yours love, light, health and happiness for 2016 and way, way beyond. And an XXL slice of rest.

With love and gratitude,

buffi xxx

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