Welcome at…..I mean to….

So many people often confuse prepositions, as they often are so different from your own language. Here is a nifty chart that will help you avoid these common mistakes!

behind my computerat my computer
welcome atwelcome to
on the momentat the moment
to my opinionin my opinion
angry on youangry with you
on the photographIn the photograph
on schoolat school
before Fridayby Friday
on the stationat the station
congratulations withcongratulations on
it is 5 before 9it is 5 to 9
on my workat my work
get in the bus get on the bus
I live nearby the churchI live near the church
on my departmentin my department

I hope these help you feel more confident in English!

Wishing you a wonderful week.

Love, Buffi 

PS: For more tips and tricks (and behind the scenes pics!), follow me on Instagram!

Click here to see my life, unfiltered!

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