Would you like to be Great in 8?

‘I need to work on my English but I am so busy!’
‘My English needs help but I have no idea where to start.’
‘I wish I could have a teacher who could help me whenever I needed it.’

Does this sound familiar?

Well, your wish is my command. After hearing these kinds of things for so many years, I’ve decided to start a new pilot project in the fall – ‘Great In 8!’. It’s an 8-week English coaching program which combines the very best of my signature private coaching and online learning. You’ll get 8 weeks of my Business English online course, a live face-to-face coaching day, and weekly coaching calls to make sure you are activating what you are learning and applying the feedback from the week before. This is only for the motivated and will be available in the fall for 10 participants only. Want to be kept in the loop and know more information when it’s available? Hit ‘reply’ and let me know, and I’ll put you on the information waiting list!

Oh and have you downloaded my free lesson yet? It’s yours no matter what! And….since I’ve got your eyes for a second more, how about trying some of these fun, free activities to activate your grammar and communication skills in a group?  And try this free quiz to see how good your structures are! Let me know how it goes!

Thanks for taking the time to read this message, it means so much to me! If you need anything in English, just holla, I’m just a click away!

All the best for a fabulous week ahead!
With love,

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