If you’re tired of your story, this is what you should do….

That’s what you should do.
And that’s exactly what I told the top CEO who called me last week.
This is the lowdown of what happened.

He said he was tired of his story.
He said he had told it so many times it was boring.
He said he wanted to stop sharing his story and in his next talk he would actually say ‘This is the last time I’m going to tell this story.’

I basically told him to STOP IT.

Not to stop sharing his story, but to stop talking about how bored he was.
Because…it’s not about him. It’s all about his audience.

He totally forgot that every time you tell your story, you’re telling it for the first time, because IT’S THE FIRST T|ME YOUR AUDIENCE IS HEARING IT. And you’re there for them, right? Not for you.

Why slam that door shut on all those new, eager, hungry ears, just because you’ve done it before? Never forget it’s THEIR first time.

What would you say if you saved all your money, bought a ticket to your favorite city and finally got a chance to see that wonderful art exhibition you’ve been waiting for for months….and the VIP tour guide says to you…”Know what? This is my fourth tour today. I’m bored. I’m going home. Have a good day.”

Do you think Springsteen ever gets tired of singing ‘Born In The USA?’ The man is a legend for many reasons, one of which is his 3-hour shows. Night after night, for decades. And does he get bored? Nope. He’s not in it for him. He’s in it for his fans.

After telling this lovely guy that it wasn’t about him, we worked on focusing on the group he was going to see later that week, at his alma mater. A new group of hungry students that were ready to get inspired by the enormous success of someone who was actually a graduate of their school. We found new angles that he could incorporate into his story, and for the first time in months, he was actually really excited to talk again.

So he did.
And boy, did he!

I got a midnight text that read: “…there were goosebumps everywhere. I feel like I struck gold. It was tailored so well to the crowd. Thanks so much, hope to meet you soon! X’

Bored with yourself?
Awesome! I don’t care.
Don’t close that door on all those hungry ears.
They’re waiting to hear your story.
And you’re the only one who can tell it.

Now stop being bored and start sharing!

X buffi

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