Rock Your English! Video Courses
Have a look at my intro film! This is me talking about the course, how it is structured, and how you can get the most out of it. Make sure you watch this first! It’s a great way to get strapped in for the wonderful ride you’re about to take ready for lift off? GO!
Buffi Duberman! newsletter

Lief,Je ziet het goed – ik schrijf deze keer gewoon in het Nederlands! Ik ben al jaren bezig met mijn nieuwsbrief en ben altijd klaar voor een nieuwe uitdaging, dus ik dacht…waarom niet een keer in het Nederlands? Ik moedig al mijn klanten aan om dingen te doen in een andere taal, dus nu ben ik aan de beurt! […]
Rock Your English! newsletter

It. Happened. YOU! You made it happen. You and so many others have downloaded my free English Pronunciation Masterclass. We launched a week ago, and every day dozens more click, watch the video lesson, and learn my tips and tricks on how to improve their English right away! The reactions have been so fantastic (“I just realized […]
Rock Your English! newsletter

CALL ME CRAZY…. Sweetie, you might have heard that I’m a bit crazy. I am! And that’s why I’ve got a free gift for you. Let’s just say that I’m crazy about you! So many of you struggle with English pronunciation – people ask me all the time “How do you say this word?” or “I think […]
Buffi Duberman’s Business English Communication Course!

Buffi Duberman maakt een einde aan alle onzekerheid over je Engelse teksten en presentaties Gratis Engelse masterclass van dé Engelse coach van vele BN’ers! Ondanks dat Engels verplicht is in het Nederlands onderwijs worden er nog steeds veel mensen nerveus als ze een speech moeten geven in het Engels. Ook hebben veel mensen moeite met […]
Rock Your English! newsletter

What does an egg do with its friends for fun? Ready. Wait for it…. Kara-yolk-e! (Thank you for smiling and nodding.) Hello dear! Thank you for clicking on my newsletter. And pretending to laugh at my lame joke. I have totally embraced my lameness at the wonderful age of 46. How long will you wait […]
Rock Your English! newsletter

Everything flex? Oh, my darling, thank you so much for letting me slip into your inbox today! I’ve been practicing my yoga moves so that I can take up even less space next week! What’s up in Buffiland Ooh, lots! I’ve been working hard on something very new, very special, and very helpful…..but more on that soon! […]
Rock Your English! newsletter

Wait. What?!? Shut the front door! It’s September already?! What happened? The summer has come and gone so quickly – time sure flies when you’re having fun! And boy, did I! I took a road trip with Lisa, my oldest friend in the world, and our families. We went through Austria, Hungary, Germany and the Czech […]
Rock Your English! newsletter

Bonjour! J’espère que ce message vous trouve bien et heureux! Say what, mama?!? Oh, sweetie, that was a shoutout to all my French readers – happy Jour de Bastille! On this day in 1990 I was drinking wine with some very kind French people I had met on the street, who took my friend Daphne […]
Rock Your English! newsletter

Who rocks? Look in the mirror! Hello dear! So lovely to be in your inbox today, and thank you for clicking on my newsletter! Has anyone told you how awesome you are today? No? Well, that’s a bloody shame. Let me be the first! What’s Up In Buffiland Ooh, a lot! I’m trying very hard to […]